Celebrating the Rafflesian Spirit: The Team Raffles Ceremony

The Team Raffles Ceremony is an annual event organised by the RIPB to celebrate the Rafflesian spirit; yet, what exactly is it? Who played instrumental roles to put it together? How does this ceremony still impact all of us today?

It is not every day you see the Raffles Square in a myriad of different colours, and the shirts not of the five house colours of Yellow, Green, Black, Red and Blue, but rather a multitude of Sports jerseys, UG uniforms, Performing Arts shirts and black polo tees. So, what was this special occasion?

The Team Raffles Ceremony is an event organised by the Prefectorial Board to celebrate the Rafflesian spirit. This article explores the work done behind the scenes by the RIPB, and we also hear from you on what your thoughts are on what you think the Rafflesian community spirit is!

Behind-the-Scenes: The hard work of the RIPB

Brayden Yu

Brayden Yu (bottom left) was Publicity Head for the TRC. He played an instrumental role as a leader in the organising committee of the TRC. Image credit: Brayden

You might recognise Brayden as the prefect who fell down during morning assembly while looking at his phone because he was “watching the RIPB’s promotional videos on Instagram”. 

Brayden was, in fact, one of the prefects who, as Publicity Head, played a key role in creating the videos. The Publicity Department was just one of many departments needed to pull off the TRC. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to interview Brayden and gain insight into the behind-the-scenes work.

What was preparation like?

Preparation was not easy, and it started all the way back in November. While other students were enjoying themselves during the end-of-year break, the prefects were busy planning the TRC. The planning process involved generating numerous proposals and obtaining approvals from both the prefects and teachers, as well as conducting talent searches and rehearsals. Even with almost two months to prepare for the event, many of the prefects found it taxing as they were juggling multiple commitments, including CCAs and other classes. This was compensated for by many late night calls and sleepless nights, which took a toll on many of the prefects. Yet, the prefects still successfully pulled off a fabulous TRC, thanks to their hard work.

What is one thing you would like all Rafflesians to take away from the TRC?

Rafflesians should embrace and celebrate each their unique identities, echoing the theme of this year’s TRC, known as “Rafflesian Radiance”. Each of us possesses a distinct personality that radiates a unique aura. It is essential to recognize that we’re not merely a school; we’re a tightly knit family composed of diverse individuals coming together. Embracing our Rafflesian identity fills us with pride. 

Isaac Koey

The performers and organisers for the TRC. 

The image above shows the performers and organisers for TRC. Yet, there is a conspicuous lack of a particular group: Isaac Koey and his AV team. In fact, when this picture was taken, Isaac and his team were in the AV room on the third floor clearing up. 

You could really call them the silent, unsung heroes of the TRC. 

What was a problem faced during preparation?

Even though AV’s role was comparatively smaller than other department’s, Isaac made every effort to motivate his team to fulfill their tasks. Despite the challenges posed by each prefect’s various commitments, they managed to overcome the, by communicating deadlines and ensuring completion of their assignments, regardless of their magnitude.  

What is one takeaway you feel is the most important?

Having led the AV team, Isaac feels the most important takeaway would be to communicate well with others so everyone can have a shared understanding of the goals that have to be accomplished. After all, setting out a plan for the team is key to success, for as the old adage goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Your thoughts: What is the Rafflesian?

Kyle Teng: It’s not all about your grades

Kyle (Fifth from left, second row) and his CCA, Raffles Voices, after clinching gold for their SYF performance in 2023

This year’s TRC had a special meaning for Kyle.

As a Y4 and CCAL of Raffles Voices, Kyle has witnessed the growth and development of his CCA over the past three years. It was truly exciting for him to unite with the school community, donning our respective CCA shirts, and celebrating our diverse range of activities together.

As an outgoing CCAL, Kyle has the following advice for the juniors. 

“To the Y1s and Y2s, don’t worry so much about studies. Relax a little. Get to know your classmates better. Enjoy the company of your seniors and CCA mates and have fun in your CCA, even if it may not be your top choice. To the Y2s, try something new and run for the RIPB. After all, what makes the Rafflesian community is not just an idea, it’s the bonds between all of us Rafflesians.

To the Y3s, it is definitely a more challenging year, especially transitioning from lower sec to upper sec. You should put in the effort to study more often and plan ahead, especially with many more subjects and more WAs. You should try running for a leadership position, be it CCAL, House EXCO or the RIPB. Do look forward to activities in the senior year like boarding. Once these opportunities come, they’ll never come again, so seize the moment while you can.”

Ansel Lee: A sense of belonging and values

Raffles is a second home for many of us. To Ansel, what makes this so is the deeply-rooted Rafflesian spirit which gives each and every one of us a sense of belonging. The TRC emphasised and celebrated this love for our school, uniting all of us. It was fulfilling and inspiring to foster a strong school spirit in every Rafflesian.

But, this event symbolised something much more. It reminded him of three key values: integrity, resilience, and service to others. This ceremony gave him a determination to uphold the Rafflesian spirit, and through our united spirit, strive for greatness and make a meaningful difference in the world. Fostering the Rafflesian spirit guides our interactions with mutual respect, trust, and camaraderie. Moreover, the values ingrained in the Rafflesian spirit, such as integrity, perseverance, and leadership, serve as guiding principles that shape our interactions.  All in all, the Rafflesian spirit gives each and every one of us a strong and unwavering sense of belonging in Raffles Institution.

Leon Aw: Explore who you are

Leon (Third row, in Moor House shirt) and his class 3A 

Trying out new things is tough. It can be daunting to step out of your comfort zone to explore and try things that you have not done before – who wouldn’t be content to stick to the familiar? 

To Leon, what it means to be a Rafflesian is to be proactive in trying out new experiences. Although he had no prior experience in assuming the role of a CEC member, he willed himself to step up to try out the leadership position; it was a great decision. Being a CEC member has allowed him to develop leadership and interpersonal skills by collaborating with classmates to foster a strong and inclusive class spirit. This also developed a greater sense of personal responsibility in him through doing his best by acting as a good role model. Thus, this new experience has opened himself to the idea of pursuing more positions as he now knows how leadership can enhance his social skills, something which he had not considered previously. Hence, seizing the initiative to create new opportunities for personal growth is a crucial aspect of being a Rafflesian as we mature. These experiences can potentially equip us with valuable skills for the future.

Leon also would also like to put out a piece of advice, “While you do not want to overcommit, I would say go and try everything you’re interested in like extra enrichment programmes such as Merit CCAs and not solely focus on your academics. While academics are still pretty important, I think that in Year 1 and Year 2, it would be better to focus more on exploring your interests in different areas to get a better sense of what you like.”

The Rafflesian Radiance: What does the TRC truly celebrate?

Behind the fancy celebrations and the grandeur of the event, what is the true significance of the TRC? The Team Raffles Ceremony truly shows the diversity of the Rafflesian student body. With a diverse array of CCA uniforms and talents, it is evident that everyone in RI is unique in their own way.  

When Rafflesians unite as one, a radiant aura of our combined talents is emitted, thus the theme “The Rafflesian Radiance”. The Team Raffles Ceremony serves to celebrate and honour the identity of every Rafflesian, and it “truly reminds us of the bonds of brotherhood between us Rafflesians. Indeed, RI is more than just a school, rather, it’s a second home to a closely-knit family of like-minded individuals who come together, emitting a radiant aura of unity.

We hope that this spirit will continue to be held on to by every Rafflesian. When your classmate leaves class for his NSG, why not encourage him and cheer him on as he leaves, and fill him in on what he missed when he returns? If you have a performer in your class, why not support him when he has a concert or a performance? As Rafflesians, we should support each other, for at the end of the day, when each CCA brings back its prizes and awards, it is not for themselves, but rather it is a fight to give our school a name.